Celebrating Women’s History Month: Honoring Trailblazers at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas

In November 1949, Mrs. Funston Eckdall and Mrs. W.A. Larkin went door-to-door in Emporia encouraging residents to enroll in the Kansas medical plans, Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Their hope was to enroll everyone in Emporia in a plan. These women were a part of the Women’s City Club and would go block by block, calling on each person in Emporia during this membership drive.

Women have knocked on many doors throughout the history of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas (BCBSKS) with the intent to make sure our friends and neighbors are receiving the best service and care. In honor of Women’s History Month, we want to recognize the history makers, the doers, the visionaries, the challengers, the discoverers, the supporters, the change makers and the workers.  We would not be the organization we are today without the incredible women who have come before us and who comprise us today. 

Of our senior leadership roles, we have five extraordinarily talented women who have knocked on many figurative and literal doors, that we would like to thank for their innovation, dedication and service to Kansans.

These leaders are dynamic individuals who encourage growth, solidarity and development among their colleagues.

Treena Mason, our Executive Vice President and Chief Sales Officer, has been with our organization for 27 years. She began working in our Dodge City Office as a sales consultant and worked her way through the organization, serving in a variety of roles before being promoted to her current position in 2023.

Nicki Flanagan, our Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, has been with the organization since 2016 starting as a human resources generalist and working her way up to the current position in 2023. 

Holly Graves, our Vice President of Operations and CMS programs has been with our organization for more than 35 years. She started as a claims examiner and served in a variety of roles until being named to her current position in June 2020.

Sunee Mickle, our Vice President of Government and Community Relations, has been with Blue Cross since 2007 where she served as Director of Government Relations. In 2018, she was promoted to her current position.

Angie Strecker, our Vice President of Provider and Institutional Relations, joined Blue Cross in 1985 and has held a variety of roles in provider and institutional relations before being named to her current role in 2020.

As these five women provide intentional leadership throughout the organization, we have a workforce of 1760 people of which 72 percent are women, working to serve Kansans.  We thank and recognize every one of these women for the impact they are making.

While we may not go block-by-block anymore, we still feel passionately about wanting the best for our fellow Kansans, the same today, as we did 80 years ago. We are thankful for the women who set that precedent, the women who have continued down that path, and the women who will move us forward.

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