{Video} Heart disease in women

Heart disease is the leading cause of death and disability for women in the United States. Yet, somehow Heart disease is often overlooked as a major women’s health issue. It is the cause of death for 1 in 5 women in the U.S., and heart disease and stroke combined cause the death of 1 in 3 women every year. That’s more than all cancers combined.  … Continue reading {Video} Heart disease in women

{Video} Caregiving: The Sandwich Generation

In 1981 the term “sandwich generation” was coined to describe a group of Americans who are caring for children under the age of 18 and older relatives at the same time. Today, millions of families are facing the dual challenge of sandwich caregiving as the population ages and Americans are having children later. This episode focuses on these caregivers. With an aging population and a … Continue reading {Video} Caregiving: The Sandwich Generation

{Video} Alzheimer’s: A Public Health Crisis

Alzheimer’s disease is an under-recognized public health crisis with the number of people expected to be diagnosed doubling every 20 years. Watch this episode of Second Opinion with Joan Lunden to hear about the disease and its emotional toll from a caregiver and public health perspective. Continue reading {Video} Alzheimer’s: A Public Health Crisis

{Video} Five signs a headache is not a headache

In most cases, a headache is a trivial inconvenience that’s treated quickly with a dose of pain relievers. But when a headache comes on suddenly or with other symptoms, it could mean it’s a sign of a more serious medical condition. Familiarize yourself with these five signs so you know when to seek medical attention.

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{Video} Organ donation runs in the family

In this episode from Second Opinion, organ recipient Karen discusses the life-saving kidney transplant she needed after being diagnosed with a rare genetic kidney disorder. When that kidney wore out several years later, it was her brother that was able to become a living organ donor and save his sister’s life.

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{Video} Five things that people with borderline personality disorder struggle with

Borderline personality disorder is usually characterized by impulsiveness and instability in mood and behavior. In fact, those with this disorder are at a higher risk of dying from suicide. Familiarize yourself with these five issues that people with borderline personality disorder struggle with so you know when to reach out to a loved one.

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{Video} Five recommendations for parents of a child with Tourette Syndrome

If you or a loved one has a child with Tourette Syndrome, it’s important to share the diagnosis with others so that your child can be fully supported. You can help your immediate family and friends, as well as teachers and coaches, understand the diagnosis so your child is left feeling supported no matter where they are. Learn more tips in this quick video from Second Opinion.

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{Video} Five ways to find credible health information on the internet

When you experience a new symptom, your first thought is probably to search the internet to see what it could be related to. You’ll no doubt end up skimming through an endless amount of search results, so how do you determine what information is credible and what is better left unread? Check out these five tips from Second Opinion.

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